Mathematics 8G/8R

Homework Assignments

The following videos and exercises are your homework for Chapter 1 lessons. Please complete these BEFORE we start the chapter. You may work ahead if you would like. 

Lesson 1.3 Activity

Lesson 1.2 Video

Lesson 1.1 Videos and Exercises

Review Videos and Activities

Before we begin Chapter 1, we will be reviewing a number of topics that you have already covered. Below are the activities with links that you will complete. If you know the concept well, the exercise will end quickly. If you need more practise, the exercise will drill you until you are comfortable with it. When you are having difficulty, you should watch the video for help. Don't expect to sit down and do all of these in one sitting! It's ok to complete them over a few days.

Remember to log in with your Khan Academy account that Mr. Berko set up for you. This way it will keep track of the activities that you have finished and you won't have to do them twice. 

Warning! If you skip these activities, you may have problems later on in math. Better to get them done now and be sure that you understand them!

Addition and Subtraction

Multiplication and Division

Divisibility and Factors

Negative Numbers and Absolute Value


Estimating and Rounding With Decimals

Understanding Fractions

Ratios and Proportions

Arithmetic Properties


  1. I almost finished the subtraction and addition section Mr.berko

  2. That's awesome, Adriel. I can check your progress when you've signed in and I see that a lot of other students have been working hard. Keep it up.

  3. I keep putting = instead of + and I keep getting the number line wrong.

    1. How frustrating! Computers just can't think for themselves...
