Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday Evening Homework


Students, you have received an extension on your Mystery Story Project. The project is now due on Friday, November 2, 2012, but you will not be getting many more classes this week to work on it.

  • 7B: I have booked the computers for you on Wednesday for ONE period. All the other days we will be working on grammar. 
  • 7G: I have booked the computers for you on Wednesday for BOTH periods. All the other days we will be working on grammar. 

This works out to be fair for both classes because 7B had a double period today and 7G did not.

Remember also that there is no school on Thursday, so you will have lots of extra time at home to work on the projects, but not very much more time in class.

Mr. Berko


    No school tommorow! I,ll have to admit, I need a break from school , for a day.

    1. I will. I,ll still have mangaged time to do my L.A! Luckly, LA is the only thing for homework, at least for our classroom. Hope you enjoy Faith day tommorow! Have a nice night! See you on Friday!


    2. Bad Mr. Berko! Oh well, glad to hear it's done! I will be conducting the choir tomorrow at Faith Day.

    3. It,s a good thing I reminded you about Faith day. Good luck tommorow on Faith day! Hey, just out of my head, do you know where faith day is going to be held? Im to busy to come tommorow, but it,s just out of curiousity Im asking.

    4. Hi Zack, Faith Day is at the Telus Convention Centre. It's only for staff members, so even if you wanted to go, it's more for adults.

      Mr. Berko

  2. Intresting. I did not want to go anyway, it was just because I was wondering. I actually would want to sleep in, like today. I woke up at 8:05a.m and usally I wake up at 7:00a.m on school days. That,s all. Plus if its for adults, than is more going to be alot aldult stuff, which im pretty sure, in the 1st couple of minutes I would fall asleep.( You know how kids are .) Good luck!
    There has been a D2L matainace from 8:30- 9:30 a.m I belive. Do not go on D2L , until the matince time is over!


    1. Yup, I definitely think you would have preferred to sleep in!
